Minister McConalogue issues call for Food Waste Reduction initiatives
The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., has issued a call for proposals for Food Waste Reduction Initiatives under the 2022 Rural Innovation and Development Fund.
Minister McConalogue said:
“Food waste is one of the great challenges of our generation. Tackled effectively, it can play a major role in our efforts to combat climate change.”
“Ireland generates over 1 million tonnes of food waste each year. We need to change this. As we are all acutely aware post-COP 26, time is not on our side in the global fight against climate change. Recent research has found that reducing food waste is now recognised as the number one most effective solution for reversing global warming from a list of 100 solutions.”
“While helping to address the food waste issue, this call for proposals will also help to address the Rural Innovation and Development Fund’s overall objective to energise the rural economy by encouraging innovative job creation and sustainable enterprise development. In this current climate it is more important than ever that we support and promote these important initiatives.”
The call for proposals relates to the provision of services for the support of food waste reduction projects which are designed to reduce food waste generated by food businesses, retailers / wholesalers/ manufacturers or suppliers in rural areas. The deadline for submission of applications is 8th April 2022.
Total funding available is as follows: €180,000 for proposals relating to the promotion and/or development of innovative food waste reduction projects which are designed to reduce food waste generated in rural areas. The maximum amount that will be paid to any project is €60,000 (excl. VAT). Funding will be awarded on a competitive basis.
Further information in relation to this initiative along with the application form is available here.
Closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on 8th April 2022.